

When it comes to business, picture is worth more than 1000 word

In the digital age, photography is a must for good social media accounts. So if you’re chasing your customers on Facebook or Instagram, get a head start and use compelling images

Why Photography is So Important for Businesses

A picture is worth 1000 words. And when it comes to business, it’s worth more–revenue. Good photography can make or break a brand. That’s why photography is so important for businesses.

Social Media

In the digital age, photography (and video content) are a must for good social media accounts. So if you’re chasing your customers on Facebook or Instagram, get a head start and use compelling images. In fact, Facebook posts with photos get 2.3 times more engagement than those that don’t. Because of Facebook’s algorithm, if your business’ posts aren’t getting engagement, they’re not being seen.

And let’s not forget that Instagram has 1 billion active users. You can’t gain any traction on IG without engaging photos.

In addition, social media can be a great recruiting tool for your company. And it can save your company money too. Companies that have a strong employer brand reduce hiring costs by 43%. How do you create a strong employer brand? You post great photos of your company culture on social media (and company website)! Highlight fun team outings or office life, and you can let your employer brand recruit for you.


Obviously, photography is a big aspect of branding. But do you know it’s critical for eCommerce too? Why? Because your image can speak to your target audience. For starters, you can incorporate brand standard colors in your shots to create brand recognition.

Also, your photography can inspire its viewers to take action. Good photos create a mood. Within that mood, an emotion occurs, and this drives potential customers to become customers. For example, if you’re a tile company, a great product photo can give people a sense of home. They become relaxed, and inspired to purchase your tile.

So if you’re looking to help your business, it’s time for you to get the best photos it can get. Turning your business into a recognizable brand is one of the biggest reasons why photography is so important for businesses.



the world is head over heels in love with videos

Brands are increasingly becoming aware of what their consumers need and want. And with one billion hours of YouTube content being watched, it’s undeniable they want more videos.

Why Video Is Important for Businesses

It’s blindingly obvious — the world is head over heels in love with videos. And how can we help it? They are easy to digest and provide a safe haven from the abundance of textual information we find online. Not only that, but they also help us unwind and serve as a good distraction from everything, especially when countries are scrambling to put a stop to a global pandemic.

Now more than ever before, we need videos and the content they provide. Luckily, all we need to do is open some social media platform and we’ll immediately get our fill. Indeed, video content has consumed our lives so much so that we can’t remember how it was before them.

Brands are increasingly becoming aware of what their consumers need and want. And with one billion hours of YouTube content being watched, it’s undeniable — they want more videos.

Aside from being convenient and efficient, video marketing offers businesses an appealing, versatile, and shareable tool to reach their audience.

So, do you use it to promote your business?


Motion Graphics

Motion graphics produce coherence in brand identity

fragments of digital footage or animation that creates the illusion of motion, rotation, or video playing. In simple words motion design refers to the use of graphic design principles and visual effects to create animation and animated content.

Benefits Of Using Motion Graphics Design For Your Business

Of course, the goal point of every brand is to command such attention that not only allows its message to be passed, but also earns the expected response, and as such earns them better product UX, conversion or traffic as the case may be.

Agreed that this is the goal, the question then is, what categories of content or product can play this route called motion design?

  1. Animated Explainer Videos or other Content

The term explainer animation does not talk about one animation content, but various kinds. Motion videos are very useful when you are trying to pass a message that is normally difficult to grasp or remember.

Also if it is the case that there are high tendencies for such content to be misunderstood, and you have to take pains to clarify things every time, then you may need a motion design. Just in case you want to do a campaign on a subject that people mostly lack interest in, the best way to catch and keep attention is through motion design. Watch the video to get to know how you can create a clear explanation of your product with motion graphics.

  1. Motion Design For Social Media Content

It is a subconscious habit to click on social media icons and close them right back just to free the notification panel on our phones. We only pay attention to information that we came in search for or when something stops us right in our track. So you could also use motion graphics to stand your social media content, out in the midst of myriads of others. They can get you a better ROI on your content marketing.

Look how the British Council has integrated motion graphics in their social media strategy.

  1. Logo Animations

With motion graphics, you can create the most creative your brand logo email signatures, trade booths, or website logo. The research highlighted that consumers were 13% more interested in simple, catchy logos rather than more complicated ones. Such an interactive logo helps to make your brand name memorable for customers and catch their attention. Get some inspiration from the video below to create own unique animated logo.

  1. Apps With Animations

Motion design also helps apps work better, because of the animated transitions that are involved. When you decide to create animations in mobile app design keep in mind that it should provide positive user experience together clear and smooth interactions. The key is that the motion graphics should have some functionality rather just be a design element. Animations increase significantly the users’ retention rate in-app and discover how it can look like.

  1. Ads Campaign With Graphics Animation

Ads and media campaign can get more attention, engagements, and conversions with motion graphics or animated creatives. You could also create different motion designs to attract different categories of the target audience. This has proven to be very effective. Let’s prove that by the example of super successful Spotify Motion Graphics Ads.

  1. Motion Video Titles and Overlays

Just in case you already have something to catch your audience, or you have a video already, these graphics are a good way to highlight key parts of your videos. Seeing that these designs are always colorful in nature, they can always drag the attention of the audience from the main video to such item as long as it is there.

Motion graphics can also be employed if you want to leave a memory of your content name or title. That way, you can stand out from other competitors whose titles or overlays are just basic designs. Look at how you can distinguish your message with eye-catching animated titles in the next video.

for more see the Reference

3D Visualization

You can show your clients what your project will look like even before you start working on it

3D visualization refers to the process where graphical content is created using 3D software. Similar terms include 3D rendering, excellent computer-generated imagery (CGI), 3D graphics and so on.

Where is 3D visualization used?

3D visualization technology is implemented in many industries to create excellent graphic content including images, diagrams and animations that contribute to better communication or a more real-life digital experience. Here are the top three industries that embrace 3D visualization techniques.

  1. Product design, manufacture and presentation
    3d visualization is a great tool to demonstrate either a prototype or a finished product to stakeholders. Engineering wise it helps developers to visualize the to-be product in a real environment and gather data about potential flaws and risks so that they could improve the developing process by coming up with new designs and and head for innovations.
    Marketing wise, 3D product presentation has the potential to make the product stand out. Comparatively, it is much easier to create demonstration of actual products & items from a 3-dimensional format than shooting a ton of photos.
    Apart from that, we also gain advantages from being capable to observe the product from every angle and mark all the product benefits.

  2. Architecture and interior design
    3D visualization software plays a significant role in architecture and interior design by making the working process in this sector more rapid and effective.
    Collaborative and digital engineering, fast manufacture of constructing elements, diminishing the errors during the entire process, presentation and maintenance of projects – everything will be conceivable with 3D visualization technology.
    Nowadays, clients show eagerness in having a glimpse at the design of their project even before the work starts. In this case, 3D visualization provides an opportunity for customers to see the layout of the building, interior and exterior designs, lighting, texture and geographic situations even before completion of the development process.

  3. Media and entertainment
    3D visualization technology provides the ability to create stunning digital content in fields such as games, movies, advertisements and music videos. Thanks to this tool artists are capable of creating realistic characters using imagination.
    Apart from these sectors, this technology is even used in electronics, education institutions, printing and publishing industry, medical applications and diagnostic planning and so on.


3D Visualization for marketing purposes

According to scientists, the human brain processes visuals about 60,000 times faster than texts and in fact, 80% of all information that our brain processes is visual.

Moreover, in their book e-Learning and the Science of Instruction, Ruth Colvin Clark and Richard E. Mayer conclude that, when text-based instructions were accompanied by graphics, students’ test performances were improved by a median amount of 89%.

Marketers are supposed to, thus, understand the importance of visuals in attracting, engaging, persuading and, of course, converting the target and employ 3D visualization technology in their marketing strategy. Here is why and how:


Visual Identity Design

“Brands are essentially patterns of familiarity, meaning, fondness, and reassurance that exist in the minds of people.” Tom Goodwin

Branding is important because not only is it what makes a memorable impression on consumers but it allows your customers and clients to know what to expect from your company.

What is a brand identity?

When you create a brand identity, you're essentially applying your brand values to any visual elements that will be used to promote your business. This means that a brand identity is more than just a logo, and consists of a variety of marketing materials.

Brand development might include:

  • Business cards

  • Stationary

  • Print materials (e.g., brochures, reports, flyers, etc.)

  • Signage

  • Product packaging

  • Apparel

  • Website

Developing a cohesive and professional brand identity is an important part of any effective branding strategy. Creating a brand identity requires research and attention to detail in order to develop a style that successfully meets the goals of a business and gives off the appropriate message. Once a brand identity is created, many companies provide guidelines for how their brand should be represented on various mediums to ensure consistency.


Why is brand identity important?

  1. Personality: A brand identity is the visual representation of the values and “personality” of your brand. Identity design essentially sets the tone of your brand, and it can be used to evoke specific feelings in your audience. Your brand identity should be designed to communicate your company’s overall message and promote your business goals.

  2. Consistency: Developing a brand identity allows you to create a consistent message across all marketing materials. Each piece should have the same basic styles and design elements, creating a cohesive branding package.

  3. Differentiation: A brand identity helps you to differentiate your business from the competition and appropriately position your brand. Developing a professional, creative identity design can help you to stand out to potential customers in your market.

  4. Awareness: Creating a brand identity package ensures that your brand is at the forefront of all your marketing materials, which helps to increase brand awareness. The more places your brand is featured, the more contact it will make with consumers, and the more memorable it will be.

  5. Loyalty: An effective brand identity can help to build customer loyalty and trust in a brand, since it allows customers to make a connection between a product and the company.
